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英文繪本推薦書單 2019.12月。Rubee親子共讀

12月的書單有適合嬰幼兒的翻翻遊戲書《Hello Garage》,《Hello House》 和如廁訓練的 《Meekoo and the Big Red Potty》。很好聽的硬頁音效書《Happy Birthday to You!》,《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》和關於孩子的第一個友誼的《Hello, Friend!》。

描寫母親對孩子的掛心,主人對於走失寵物的思念的凱特格林威獎得獎作品《Small in the City》;終於自我拒絕霸凌的獅子《How to be a Lion》;家是一扇窗《Home is a Window》;聰明的各種樣貌《All the Ways to be Smart》;學習用創意的角度去欣賞藝術作品的《Dr. Seuss’s Horse Museum》;建立同理心的《It’s a No-Money Day》;看到自己獨特價值的《Just Ask!: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You》;文字的力量《The Word Collector》,然後是《The Word Collector》的續集,我們都一有話要說!《Say Something》。

The Questioneers 系列的新成員《Sofia Valdez, Future Prez》;繼《The Bad Seed》、《The Good Egg》作者Jory John 和 Pete Oswald 推出的第三部曲《The Cool Bean》;最會聆聽的兔子《The Rabbit Listened》。知名文學作家傳記漫畫《Before They Were Authors: Famous Writers as Kids》;凱迪克金獎的《Hello LightHouse》最後是新上映大人小孩都愛的迪士尼有聲書Disney Read Along 冰雪奇緣第二集《Frozen 2》。

購書歡迎加入社團: Rubee 親子共讀



1. Happy Birthday to You!

2. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

3. Meekoo and the Big Red Potty

4. Hello Garage

5. Hello House

6. Hello, Friend!



7. All the Ways to be Smart

8. Home is a Window

9. The Rabbit Listened

10. Small in the City

11. How to be a Lion

12. Dr. Seuss’s Horse Museum

13. Sofia Valdez, Future Prez

14. Just Ask!: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You

15. The Cool Bean

16. It’s a No-Money Day

17. Say Something

18. The Word Collector



19. Before They Were Authors: Famous Writers as Kids

20. Hello LightHouse

21. Frozen 2 (1平裝+1CD) Disney Read Along



22. Junior Illustrated English Dictionary

23. The Usborne Junior Illustrated Thesaurus

24. Gaston

25. Antoinette

26. Fancy Nancy

27. Fancy Nancy and the Wedding of the Century  

28. This is Not a Valentine

29. For Audrey with Love: Audrey Hepburn and Givenchy

30. Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter

31. Horrible Bear!

32. Read the Book, Lemmings!

33. Wolfie the Bunny




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Rubee 親子共讀書單│中文繪本及讀本精選總整理

Rubee 親子共讀書單│英文繪本及讀本精選總整理


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