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Hello Garage & Hello House|硬頁翻翻書

Ludo 想要找朋友玩,他到處看,到處找。 這系列硬頁書可以翻一翻,找一找,引導孩子看看什麼在房子和車庫裡。 誰在裡面? 又在做什麼呢?對孩子來說,一切都充滿好奇。 豐富鮮豔的色彩又不過於複雜,是大人和孩子都能欣賞的硬頁書!

Hello Garage

文/圖: Nicola Slater

版本: 英文 /精裝 /18x 18cm /14頁

適讀年齡: 1+讀者, 3+讀者, 嬰幼兒

關鍵字: 幼兒認知

What a busy, dirty place the garage is! But not everyone is hard at work – can you help Ludo find his friends so that they can go outside and play on the soft, green grass?


Hello House

文/圖: Nicola Slater

版本: 英文 /精裝 /19x 19cm /14頁

適讀年齡: 1+讀者, 3+讀者, 嬰幼兒

關鍵字: 幼兒認知

Ludo has come to the village today – can you help him find his friends? Knock on the doors to the different houses, then tickle Bruno’s tummy to wake him up, so everyone can come and play outside with the big red ball!




如何跟孩子共讀英文繪本? 親子共讀經驗分享 培養孩子對英文的好感度

Rubee 親子共讀社團。與繪本相遇的美好

Rubee 親子共讀書單│中文繪本及讀本精選總整理

Rubee 親子共讀書單│英文繪本及讀本精選總整理


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