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《Miss Rumphius 花婆婆》|英文繪本 – Rubee 親子共讀

《Miss Rumphius》美麗又平靜的氛圍讓人驚艷,我們看見傳承,學會欣賞大自然的美,看見一顆小種子的力量,以及一個人可以為世界做出的改變。

當小女孩 Alice 還是小的時候,跟爺爺一起住在海邊。 爺爺當時跟她說,長大了一定要做三件事,第一是,要去很遠的地方旅行。 第二是,要住在海邊。 第三是,要讓世界變得更美麗。  長大後,Alice 真的實現了環遊世界的夢想,也住在了海邊。 唯一還未完成的事就是,讓世界更美麗。 後來她生病了,有一天她從窗戶外看出去,看到美麗的藍色的、紫色的、玫瑰色的花在花園來,就是她最愛的魯冰花 (lupines)。  春天到時,她身體好多了,她再度走上山丘,驚喜地看到一大片魯冰花。  她發現,原來是風把他們從花園帶到這裡來。 於是她買了一大堆魯冰花的種子,把他們到處撒,她走過的公路、鄉間小路,還是教堂後面。  隔年春天,到處都開滿了漂亮的魯冰花,世界真的變美麗了,從此她有了 Miss Rumphius 花婆婆的綽號。 老老的花婆婆跟姪女講著這個故事,希望她長大,也要去很遠的地方旅行,也要住在海邊,還要讓世界更美麗!


Miss Rumphius|花婆婆

文/圖: Barbara Cooney
適讀年齡: 4-6歲、7-9歲
關鍵字: 自然生態、傳記



Alice would say, “When I grow up, I too will go to faraway places, and when I grow old, I too will live beside the sea.”

“That is all very well, little Alice,” said her grandfather, “but there is a third thing you must do.”

“What is that?” asked Alice.

“You must do something to make the world more beautiful,” said her grandfather.



“I don’t believe my eyes!” she cried when she got to the top.  For there on the other side of the hill was a large patch of blue and purple and rose-colored lupines!

“It was the wind,” she said as she knelt in delight, “It was the wind that brought the seeds from my garden here! and the birds must have helped!”





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