耶誕繪本|The Tree That’s Meant to Be 我就是這樣的一棵樹 – Rubee 親子共讀
《我就是這樣的一棵樹》中的小杉樹覺得自己不是一顆完美的樹,也永遠沒辦法變完美。 聖誕節的時候,人們陸續將他森林裡的同伴一一帶走,只剩下他一個人,孤孤單單的在森林裡。 直到森林裡的動物發現他,用松果、羽毛、莓果、和花朵將他點綴成最耀眼的聖誕樹。 小杉樹感受到滿滿的愛與溫暖,他不再孤單,他成為了自己獨一無二的樣子。
作者 Yuval Zommer 的畫風,美麗精緻,充分展現出樹木的細緻紋路和大自然景色的美。
The Tree That’s Meant to Be 我就是這樣的一棵樹
作者:Yuval Zommer
版本:英文 / 精裝 / 32頁 / 24 x 31cm
Description from Amazon
A small, crookled fir tree is left all alone after the others near it in the forest are chosen by families as Christmas to bring home. But when the forest animals gather around the lonely little tree to cheer it up and celebrate the season, it finds the warmth of the holidays in the heart of a cold, snowy forest.
This is a charming and classic-feeling holiday picture book with a timely message about celebrating our differences and sticking by our friends. Families will love making this part of their holiday traditions, as a perfect book to talk about kindness, generosity, and the true meaning of Christmas.